Saturday, November 28, 2009


I wish i were pregnant..........

maybe once he moves in we will be able to 'do it' more regular. I know I don't ovulate all the time, and my period, that was once as regular as Old Faithful, is just not anymore. but once he is here......maybe one of these times it will come together. We can't be THAT follicley challenged?

its just one of those days. Dreaming. Wishing. Hoping.

Everything happens for a reason. and If its not meant to be......well its just not. We have NOWHERE to put a Baby anyhow. So silly for me to think about wanting one.........SO illogical. Really irresponsible and definitely selfish........

but i still do

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Holy Cramps Batman!!!

its gonna be one of those is it.......
a week late. Painful. and Messy. Nice. just hope it doens't hang around longer than its supposed to and wear out its welcome.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Here's my Research

"............Bone resorption is decreased by estrogen. Bone is constantly being broken down and replaced. Estrogen is needed to maintain a proper rate of bone breakdown.

The vagina and female bladder‘s proper function are maintained under the influence of estrogen. Estrogen keeps the vagina moist and prevents the bladder from leaking urine............."

Ahhh - HAAAAA!

Ummm - What the &#%$#@!!!

am I seriously leaking URINE???

Holy Hormone Crap Batman!

that just didn't happen. I must be mistaking it. I'm holding everyhting ab muscles are amazing....Kegels Every time I do do #1 ............... I DON"T EVEN HAVE TO GO!!!!

some research is needed into this......

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh period ............... where are you ..................

I'm sure it will come now.
Now that it knows I am seeking it ............... it'll come out of hiding

Sunday, November 8, 2009


i just don't even know what to mind is racing.......that fucking shot has Thermesol ( something something) in it. Does she even know wht that does? yet she is afraid to eat Tuna.....I am going to be a bitch. I am so setting that up! Here have some tuna - and whe she says no cuz' she;s pregnant..........

lets just hope it doesn't turn out that way. that in 2 and a half years from now we are not looking at her kids ............yah

my mom.....oh its so miniscule Kristi! really....ok....perhaps she should just hae a rye and 7 then too.
STupid. Stupid Stupid

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Have i Asked?

No I have not.
I don't want to know.
has my Sister had a pig shot?
I don't know, but I know she went for another ultrasound today and took my mom