Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas by Menopause

I am growing a fine moustache and goatee

Thank Goodness i am blonde.

What do i do? do i shave it? wax it? what? What do other women do -
i sure feel Sexy!

Monday, December 13, 2010


well, as much of a period that it is

but I got it! I am bleeding! Who knew the day would come that I would be praising cramps and blood ........

Monday, December 6, 2010

Another Test Another No

So here I am on day 68 still no period. Some hot flashes thought I needed to be up last night.
So I was.
Took yet another pregnancy test. Just to be sure.
*could you imagine - years from now me on that show 'but i din't know i was pregnant!!!'*
Anyhow, another fail, no, and more laughter .............
so as I sit here cleaning my pores out and feeling the cramping in my uterus having yet another over the top mood swing I wonder what time the hot flashes will wake me from slumber tonight and look forward to my physical on thursday. yup i look forward to the finger probe and the cold of the metallic object then the boob feel and maybe tests? he'll send me for tests as i sob and sob about the fact that its done. i am done. I am 41 and my body is old and used up. The eggs have gone on strike and my uterus has erected a union line.
I am sure they must be picketing in there
will i have the accident? Will that menopausal baby surprise me? will the medical field see their say clear to help a woman over 40? Will I have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars? Am I Out Of My Mind!!!! its got to be the friggin hormones. They don't know what the hell they are doing

blog On

Sunday, November 28, 2010

day 60

Well, here i am, day 60 and still no period. I have been, however, welcomed my sex drive over the last couple weeks. so that nice. Vaginal dryness sucks hard. So its nice to not have that right now. Usually it means i am ovulating. I'll maybe go pick up another test just to make sure. No I don't feel at all pregnant, but you just never know. Better safe than sorry, right?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sex Drive?



Hi - I am your sex drive dropping in. Is Lyle home?

Holy smokes. am I ovulating? I have some zits. Hmmmm ......... funny to be excited about somehting you do your best to avoid so much in your life.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Just perfect!
I've just realized ...... all that hair i've been losing .......... I'M GOING BALD!!! FERFUCKSAKE!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I am guilty

45 days and counting ..............

so of course now I am beginning to blame myself. Why blame myself you say? well becuase it was not more than a few weeks ago I was afraid of the thought of getting pregnant! my selfishness to have the wedding that is in my head. Maybe it was those thoughts that have ceased my period and shoved me into amenorrhea.
So here marks and begins the guilt I will put on myself. The guilt for ever taking a birth control pill. The guilt for ever taking the morning after pill. The guilt I will shoulder and carry for being a barren bride and not giving my husband and daughter the extension of a family they both deserve.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Welcome Forty-One?

So i am feeling very much like I am the only woman in the world to be going through this at such a young age. The hot flashes have subsided i still have a bit of nauseous, but not like it was the other day. Apparently all in the range of normal for meno-pause. Lovely. Yup I took a test and it just laughed and laughed at me. To which I decided a bottle of wine was in order to drown out the laughing. Nope still no sign of a period. What day is it now? Exactly 40. i keep thinking maybe its doing what it did last cycle. Showing up on the 42nd day? but then last cycle I don't recall going through as much tummy sick and flashing quite the same. Notice how I have turned it into cycle instead of month? I don't go by the month anymore. so sad.
It pisses me off you know. I mean for all of the obvious reasons that I have mentioned before, but also because, this is a time that I wanted to go through graciously. i wanted to enjoy my meno-pause. and now I can't. It sucks! Enjoy meno-pause. Yah I know it sounds wierd, but yes ENJOY. I mean my body is changing. Is this my meno-pausal body? My crones shape? Not bad kristi! Lyle's got himself one hot lady!
But guess what? I can't enjoy this time. I am clouded in my head with screams. Screams of anger and sadness. We missed our window. Its gone. The window we had and started on before the accident ....... GONE
so here I sit. Bitter and angry. If he had sperm could we have gotten pregnant? Could we have gotten pregnant in the last 3 years? Had i not gotten hit we would have kept the momentum going that we had begun with the fertility testing. I couldn't even entertain the thought of carrying a fetus during that time let alone even having sex. There was so much friggin' pain no matter which way we fucked. I lost so much more than I can even think about because of that Stupid - Stupid Car Accident!
i look at my 12 year old daughter and I remember her inside me like it was yesterday. i remember her birth like it only happened last night. i carry guilt that Lyle will Never have a blood line. His dad. His mom. Charlotte not getting a sibling. She will Never get the chance to be an Aunt .......... it breaks my heart and all I can do is cry.
Getting Older sucks ASS

Friday, November 5, 2010

Menopause Morning Sickness

day 5 of nauseous in the morning.
Read about hormones and menopause and morning sickness is a symptom. But now I am beginning to wonder ........... got a lot of mixed feelings about that.
do I feel pregnant? Nope. not one little bit. Lets not forget to mention how stupid I would feel after all the ranting I've done this week if I were. Not to mention -- the job I JUST started! ACK!!!
think i might just hit Wal-Mart up for a test this morning just to be sure. I'd like to partake of Bevvy's this weekend to celebrate my birthday. Hate to find out after that was an Xtra really bad idea .................

Blog On

Thursday, November 4, 2010

is this what 41 is gonna be

mmmmmm Vaginal dryness and hot flashes what a wonderful lead up to 41

feeling special. Yup -- real special
just for some delicate frosting on this childbearing goodbye my body is giving me, i get to have some lovely little pin zits. From Halloween chocolate you say? no, i didn't have any. Its the hormones. Nice zits all in my scalp and the nape of my neck hurty ones Around my mouth and forehead ......... ahhhhhhh ........ not yet over Forty and i am already not impressed.

Blog On

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Night Sweats

So pleasant. Awoken at 4AM in sweat and noting but heat. These are hot flashes. They have to be. My period is still not peeking its bright head anywhere around. Its gotta be the hormones making up for it. I am zitty like crazy, bloated, sweating ......... these are hot flashes.
I haven't slept. My mind is racing. What can I do? How do i stop or slow this natural process of being a woman.
I think about that brown bag he brought home nearly 2 months ago now. How he's done nothing to make a plan to get in to the lab and get things looked after
After my non-waking up on the couch we meet in the kitchen. he asks why I slept out there. I explain to him, because I was hot. A hot flash. I'm obviously upset. So I thought. Or perhaps me being upset doesn't matter. I tell him. yes I was just like that, I TELL him he needs to get it sorted and get in to the lab with his brown bag. He immediately raises his voice. and it starts. 6:30 in the morning. He's tellling me he doesn't care. That why haven't I done anything? that we aren't having a baby cuz I'm in menopause. That why bother trying .......... the tears well up in my eyes. But I care. and I've done all i can at this point (mental note to self - find more to do about this) I can hear my voice screaming out inside my head NOOOOOOO!
I want anther child! What happened to we'll keep trying. What happened to we'll take what we can get. What happened to do all we can before it gets to the petrie dish .............
now I am nagging he says. He has No time, he's too busy doing things for me. WHAT! then why is it I winterized the yard. Why is it the front patch of grass isn't cut. Why is it that i am cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the house. What the Hell! you paint a shed and stain a playhouse this summer and you are ALWAYS doing something for me!!! FUCK YOU! YOU DON'T EVEN MAKE THE BED IN THE MORNING!
He hurls an excuse and i call him on it. Every one! I'm not doing this. I am not going to roll over and let it go this time. Don't you Dare put your lack of organization on me!
"i haven't even had time to go get birthday presents for you guys"
oh Boo Hoo! That's weird, cuz its not like its a surprise. Our birthdays are the same day Every Year! and Last time I checked, there are 365 days in a year! Pretty sure you could have managed something over that amount of time.
So there it is. That's how he feels. he doesn't care. He doesn't care. how the Hell am I supposed to have a baby let alone Marry someone that doesn't care? and that's another thing. If it weren't for me going out and picking out my ring to get the ball rolling .......... we wouldn't be engaged! Fuck - we barely even got engaged as it was! Him having the ring in his possession, all paid off for 7 months
Well, its important to me to have another child. I had always seen myself having lots of babies ......... even though the little voice in my head told me to enjoy the my pregnancy with Charlotte while I had it. As that was going to be my only one. ........... I am crying just thinking about it. The voice couldn't have been right
I'm 41 and on the last legs of a fertility with a man that doesn't care
guess I have some things to think about

Thursday, October 28, 2010

And Again

Once again I am left to sit and wonder where my period is.
The panic, anger, disapointment, fear ...................... ect sets in. Was my last one it? Was it? I am hot - is that a hot flash. I've talked to women who have had them. They say i will know. That you get all hot and sweaty ........ but that happens. I have gotten little flashes since I was young. So I don't know. They say i will be able to tell the difference. Will I? is this one right now? I don't know. I have PMS. I've had it for over a week now. Its awful. I am irritated and irritable. Nearly burst in to tears ysterday. Its PMS. So the hormones are there. They are building. in to what? I dont' know. a Period? a Goodbye? a HotFlash?
29 days and counting

Friday, October 15, 2010


So I'm scared.
I haven't performed my wifely duty since my period. Poor Man needs it - Badly. Truthfully, so do i. however, i am really scared i will get pregnant now. Yup. that's right I am avoiding it. There are a lot of emotions surrounding that fear.
i am scared to get pregnant now because of the upcoming nuptuals. I am planning a wonderful wedding and the selfish part of me really wants to enjoy the whole experience fetus free. I found a beautiful dress and I would my strong sense of narcissism really wants to enjoy the dress to its maximum. Then the fear comes that what if i get knocked up and I don't get to do it. Not that we wouldn't get married, but it would really not be the same party. I have been losing weight and I am pretty excited about the whole package. Then what if that's it. This is my chance. I turn 41 in a few short weeks. By the time the wedding is done, next year, i will be heading swiftly towards my 42 birthday! For me - babies at 40 was risky. As far as their health went, but it was a roulette wheel i was more than willing to spin. Now, or going on 42 ..... or even 43! I am really starting to ask the questions of how selfish are we? However, the longing for a baby is now turning to the ache. The ache for a sibling for Charlotte. The ache for bloodline for Mntn. The ache for a baby for me.
then the whole disappointing reality that we've been 'doing it' for nearly 3 years Protection Free! So why am I even worried, tossing the idea around, avoiding stuff anyhow. Its obviously NOT in the cards for us!
he has his little brown paper bag from the doctor. he's had it for a month now. He has yet to take care of his part of it. Then of course the thoughts of how small our house is. Me working or not working. The fact that they probably won't help an infertile couple in their 40's to conceive. Then the what if's start to flood my mind. The of course it will happen to me. We end up having our own set of twins because of the pre-menopausal body of mine. The selfish thoughts of this new career i have started and having to say goodbye to it.
yes i want a baby. Yes, Yes i do. Ideally, after my wedding. I would love to conceive during my honeymoon!!! Perfect! but i am so scared of everything else.
Then I can't help but think ....... once again ........ each period I have right now, could be my last. Then that's it. No Babies for Kristi. Healthy or not. Twins or not. NO BABIES! and my heart aches again. I feel the bitterness creep in and that's when I know ......................

Sunday, October 3, 2010


well after 40+ days of being period free it is here!
Mountain has visited the lab and has a jar to put his "specimen" in. We will get another count and see. I have not reminded him of what the doctor told us nearly 2 years ago. Once I am 40, help to get me pregnant is not going to come easy. Doctors don't like to encourage us old lady's to have babies. Lots of risk you know. But I will let him go and get counted again. at this point, I think it really is me.
I am beginning to ache for a baby.
Life is a funky ride. I guess you just don't know what it has in store

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


My sister's baby -
I know I've said this before ...... but there is somehting up with that little boy.
Was it all the ultrasounds or the mercury in the pig flu shot?
But something is not right with him.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


So very much enjoying sex the last couole weeks since my period ended. I nice normal period, where my boobs don't STILL hurt like hell afterward. So it was normal, real period. Ovulated. Yup i sure did and am. Gotta love it when the cycle grooves back to where its supposed to be. My libido has been up with my few pounds of wieght loss and the lack of hip pain. Getting ready for the impending MRI today. I am getting prepared to be in too much pain to perform my wifely tasks for the next few weeks. and probably my libido will diminish anyhow when the pain comes back. Weird how that works.
So yes I have managed to drop a couple pounds. At first I thought 5, but it seems 4 is really the magic number. Thats fine. and I am bouncing down it seems, so that means I am on the loss trail! YaY! I just have to keep doing what I am doing. keeping as active as i am able, watching my food, keep determined..........
I wonder what this MRI is going to do to my insides. The last remaining eggs I have - scrambled? Fuck this accident sucks!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Alvin is really not a fan of the sex.

no wonder we don't do it that often. No wonder my sex drive has conveniently diminished over the last year. No Wonder

Thursday, July 1, 2010

spot - spot - spot

What's the deal Dude.
Thought my period had started. Monday. uuuhhhhhh ......... I guess not?
oh! there it is again! nope. Just pysched me out. hmmmm. Well the boobs are still tender. my libido is healthy. Too bad he is not here. His Sister is here so it will be awhile before we can indulge in the libido. Which is fine really. As my leg has been pretty awful since the Chu examined me on the 21st. So i know some good healthy, hard, sex would surely leave me more pained then i am.
Blog On

Friday, June 25, 2010


What is going on with my boobs?
since that last "surprise" gushing period, my boobs have been getting steadily sorer. Now i've got the little pin sized zits happening. Hormones must be having some kind of Wild party in my body. Guess i should ready myself for another surprise period?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bloated Much

Holy Carp! what is up with my Gut!!!

Seriously. did I take some kinda hormone rush pill or something. My tummy is so big and uncomfortable and bloated. Boobs are still sore. the blood seems to have slowed. I Probably don't have Any Left!!!
I am on to Green Tea now in hopes of doing soemthing about this pregnant new look I have going on. I mean Really. I have a bump! and its totally un-nice feeling.

This is Insane!!!


3 days later and i am still gushing. This is gross! I am tired and feeling poopy.
My boobs are sore? What The Hell is that! Why are my tits sore? They should stop being sore when i am bleeding. I am Greasy. my hair - BLeCK! How many times can i wash my hair in a day?
So this is good then that I am not on practicum/ Cuz yesterday, at one point in the day i was changning my tampon every half hour!!! and those were the big ones!!!
I've been up since 6 and i've already change it twice.
i guess I need to take my iron pills today. That sucks. They don't always agree with my tummy.
This Blows!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

iron anyone

Oh My Lanta!!!

Not only did I get my period Early? yesterday morning. I got it in a pleasant gushing form! and I still be gushing today!!!
i am so tired. I guess its steak for supper?
how unpleasant

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Got My Period!!

Better start the counting all over again

Thursday, May 27, 2010

ummmm period

nope still not here.
this is the full moon. Where it is the menstrual flow of mine?
tested - twice now - nothing. Haven't bled since the 25th of April. I don't even know how to count atht last one. I mean that last period was 21 days long. So i guess I still will wait? What else can I do.
i keep feeling stuff there. Are they cramps? tightness? phantom baby kicks?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

maybe this disgusting plateau I've hit with my weight is on account that I have not had my period yet and my last period was a wacky 20 days long ............ maybe I am knocked up and thats what is going on. That's why I've been crazy tired ....... HAHAHAHA! yah right! its the ashma making me tired and my body is just old!!
I havne't lost any pounds this last couple weeks. I mean a littel but not enough to be significant. I've been working really hard at it, I would think I'd lose a couple solid pounds! Its gotta be the hormones ...........

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


whatta ya know? i get horny. Have some good hard Sex and i get to hurt today in the hip!?!

its not nearly how it was months ago, but it still hurts and k-nicking even. the Muscle stiff is cuz of the rain. That I know. but the k-nicking and bone outness is the sex.

DAmn It!!!

oh yes and still No Period. So bizaare

Monday, May 17, 2010

I wonder where my period is this time
it lasted 20 days last month stopping on the 25th. So when is it due here this month? So frustrating

Monday, April 26, 2010


its finally stopped! and my libido is right up there! Holy Smokes!
Lets Get it On Baby!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


are those Liver spots on my hands??

What The Hell!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Still spotting .......... how many days is that now? 14 days! YAH! Go Peri-menopause Go!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


are you in there?


hmmmm - well its been 31 days - do I count from then from when it vanished and came back instead? Then how long has it been?

i think its there somewhere. No tender boobies. but discharge just went up a level today.........hmmmm.......i'll have to see what happens in the next few days.
you gotta Love this Peri-menopause stuff!

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Faucet is on High


it vanished - well its back and its taking revenge. On what i am not too sure. But i am eating raisins like crazy as to not lose too much iron.
Holy Heck and Dinah. on day 3 and its making up for the last couple months I think. But at least maybe after this one - my boobs wont' be sore anymore!!


Friday, March 5, 2010

At Here It Is

Introducing! My Period!!

YaY! (insert cheering crowd here)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Boobies & Hormones

Holy sore Boobies Batman!!!

Freekin' hormones. This is the second month in a row that theya re doing this. My poor tender mammories are tender to touch and do not respond well when I take my bra off. YOUCH!
Lyle giggled and said maybe you are pregnant.
Maybe ......... I doubt it. Far too early for to be feeling like this. Its just the 40 yr old hormones acting up again.
but what a Miracle if I were? Holy Carp! I'm pretty sure I would shit myself!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


my desire for sex has gone missing - been missing for months - every once in awhile I think I catch a glimpse of it ............. and then its gone again.

What Does this Mean?

and No. I am not missing it. I don't want it. I am not thinking about it ....... sad

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Still trying -

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines DAy

not being pregnant right now sucks huge sweaty fat ASSSS!

I am perioding. Sister is in hospital doing ........ nothing it seems .......got flowers for Valentines day ......... Sister in-law announced her pregnancy today ....... if I can't be pregnant - it would be nice to at least announce a wedding.

He smokes Waaaay more pot than I knew he did. What a Dumb Fuck! and I am not sure who I am referring to with that comment. Me or Him!
he has barely any sperm.....so he fucks up the ones he does have by doing that shit!
yes I've mentioned the pot -
too many htoughts. Too many thoughts ...........
Fuck! Whatver..........this day is kinda sucking.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

she's in

tomorrow morning at 8AM!!

they will let her come and begin. I am glad. She was in such a "mental" state. and I am so cut and dry about such things.
i so take people at their word.....
will keep you posted.....................

Blog On!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So since Sister was proclaimed PREGNANT, her doctor has said that she would not allow her to go past the 10th of February.
its now the 10th. Sister called the hospital at 7 this morning like she was supposed to .......... they can't fit her in!!!!


i call -- BULLSHIT!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Sister goes tomorrow

there is NO plan. There is NO definite time. I wil keep you posted.
Her Cervix is NOWHERE near ready to be opened. Her body - her uterus is sooooo stretched it may not even be able to contract even if it wants to. We don't know when the Daryl will be here. So for the next 5 days we are on red alert.
I just pray for their safe arrival and for Sister to be ok
Off I go to get my camera ready!!

blog On!
Stop smoking so much pot you fucking loser

now wonder the few guys you have swimming about can't find their way anywhere!!!

waht the fuck am i doing?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sister - January 31st

Well ....... this pic isn't as big as I'd like it to be now is it ....... HMPH!
maybe I'll try again ...................

anyhow - there she is! In all her pointy glory!

pic taken today. Technically due in 3 weeks. She is in horrible skin pain folks. Poor baby Sister. I even feel really, really bad for her now and would like to cut them out myself. Damn Daryl's

Blog On

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sister's Baby Update as of Today!!

Boys are FABULOUS!! Small size difference but completely normal for fraternal twins. Baby A is in vertex position not sideways and weighs about 5lb 13oz. Baby B is sideways but that's ok as he will move once A is born. He is weighing about 5lbs 5oz. Both definitely have BOY parts!! Basically everyone is doing fine

I had really thoguht she had at least one girl in there. Baby A was going to be my girl. Two boys it is! good sized twins. She is due next month - Feb. 24th. Doc's won't let her go past Feb. 10th, but I think she will have them in her arms by Sunday!
Thursday i am kinda thinkin' labor will begin.....i hope so. She really is starting to split .........

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ugh - Seems i am having labor pains today

soooooo tired. So much pain and I gotta go sit with Sister for however long it takes and be cool.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Sister has requested I take her to her Stress-test tomorrow

I am happy to go and also happy that this is more normal than the re-do of the Ultra-sound she is going to Thursday. Its a re-do of the ultra-sound she had yesterday, cuz the doc said the babies are measuring funny or soemthing.........
So a stress test every few days for my enormous pregnant Sister I can handle. They gotta make sure the Darrels are okay in taht cramped space for 2!

Blog On

Monday, January 18, 2010

34.5 Weeks!

here is my very pregnant Sister - not much further to go. Her Doc is Dr Kenyon - a lady that is new to this town. Anyone heard of her? I might have the spelling wrong.......

Friday, January 15, 2010


so my sister in law has jumped on the ultra sound band wagon.

her doctor, who is a "specialist" like thats supposed to mean something was texting with me the other day and told me how she is excited to go for her first ultra-sound. She knows its early. I text her back asking what they hope to achieve with an ultra-sound to vibrate it out of her? she tells me given her history of losing the last 2 they want to make sure there is actually a baby in there and that it is healthy. I asked her if they had a doppler. She had no idea what that was. So i texted back to her that it is a less invasive ultra-sound than the big one and lets you hear the baby's heartbeat. cuz seriously, this early, thats all they need to know. Thats when she tells me again she doens't know what that is and that her doctor is a specialist and doesn't mind the ultra-sound. I text back - HOW EXCITING!!!!

fast forward to today when I mail her to find out how her fetus is and how the ultra-sound went. She lets me know her scheduled ulta-sound is for next week, but funny I should ask ............. she had some spotting today lets hope she didn't use a tampon this time so she went in for an emergency ultra-sound!

What The Fuck! Seriously! if the fetus is coming out its coming out! there is nothing they can do. Ultra-sound or not. And if its just having a bad day - an ultra-sound aint gonna make the fetus any happier! I just don't understand. I went in with Charlotte with the scary spotting and the doctors and nurses sat me down and explained that they didn't want to do anything because an internal is bad when you are pregnant and an ultra-sound isn't gonna stop anything. If anything is happening. They told me it was more than likely implant bleeding and to go lay on the couch for 2 days jsut in case. I left the hospital scared, but it just made sense what the doctor had told me. So lay I did. took a couple days off work and laid there
Then of course - the next week i got my hands on some AWESOME text books my doulla/midwife girlfriend had and read them cover to cover! Then it made Even More SEnse what the Doctor had told me.
i try to pass this knowledge of what I learned on. I don't push or at least I think I don't push, but I try to enlighten pregnant women. You can't do everything, and not Everything is for everybody. Frig, I didn't do everything and I certainly don't know everything. There is too much! but i did retain some important stuff. There's a few things that are just ......... like I don't know.
for example my sister saying how bloated she is and she's retaining so much water her joints feel like they are floating. She is on her way right this moment to pick up smoky bacon chips, hot lips & candy coke bottles!!! WTF!

Finally I have a pregnant woman close by that isn't a complete Moron! I know I won't have an anxiety attack everytime she tells me something. Thank you Steph for not making me Crazy! i am excited for Flanger!!
In the end its their choices what they do with their babies and their body. I will just be excited that I will be a super aunt


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


During the course of one month in late 1993, two landmark scientific papers were published. The first paper, a largely randomized trial of the effectiveness of routine prenatal ultrasound screening, studied the outcome of more than 15,000 pregnant women who either received two routine scans at 15 to 22 weeks and 31 to 35 weeks, or were scanned only for medical indications.

Results showed that the mean number of sonograms in the ultrasound group was 2.2 and in the control group (for indication only) was 0.6. The rate of adverse outcome (fetal death, neonatal death, neonatal morbidity), as well as the rate of preterm delivery and distribution of birth weights, was the same for both groups. In addition, in the author's words: "The ultrasonic detection of congenital abnormalities has no effect on perinatal outcome." At last we have a randomized clinical trial of sufficient size to conclude that there is no value to routine scanning during pregnancy.

The second landmark paper, also a randomized controlled trial, looked at the safety of repeated prenatal ultrasound imaging. While the original purpose of the trial was hopefully to demonstrate the safety of repeated scanning, the results were the opposite. From 2,834 pregnant women, 1,415 received ultrasound imaging at 18, 24, 28, 34 and 38 weeks gestation (intensive group) while the other 1,419 received single ultrasound imaging at 18 weeks (regular group). The only difference between the two groups was significantly higher (one-third more) intrauterine growth retardation in the intensive group. This important and serious finding prompted the authors to state: "It would seem prudent to limit ultrasound examinations of the fetus to those cases in which the information is likely to be of clinical importance." Ironically, it is now likely that ultrasound may lead to the very condition, IUGR, that it has for so long claimed to be effective in detecting.

Although we now have sufficient scientific data to be able to say that routine prenatal ultrasound scanning has no effectiveness and may very well carry risks, it would be naive to think that routine use will not continue.

Unfortunately, medical doctors are inadequately educated in the basics of scientific method. It will be a struggle to close the gap between this new scientific data and clinical practice.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


i have Crazy ovulation going on!

i mean its nuts in there right now.

Holy Carp!

hormones flyin' all over the place. This is crazy. Good thing he ISN'T here - YIKES!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Well she made it to 2010 without giving birth.

a scare on Christmas Eve has left her bed ridden for the rest of her pregnancy.

she was in labor. she needs to just sit now. She's got 5 weeks to go! Feb 10th.
1 baby is head down the other sideways.

she is extremely uncomfortable. Huge. Measuring well over 42 weeks now. I feel for her. she is not sleeping and is just hurty. I can't wait to see my nephews! Her husbands birthday is next weekend. I hope she makes it past then ....... each day is a chanllenge now for her. I hope I'll be able to be of some help - my back ....... seems I keep having set-backs. I hope I can hold the babies without killing myself to do it