Friday, December 9, 2011

Dreaming of Periods

So what is this?
Now I dream of having my period. Crazy!
maybe that means another is coming. How great would that be
it works with child support - HA!

been feeling very tired and nauseous these days. Could be the probiotic I am taking. Highly doubtful that it is anything baby like. So doubtful in fact, that I am not even going to check.

I do belive I might be going grey! Blondes turn grey in a whole weird way. They kinda go darker. My roots are starting to darken up and the texture of my hair is a wee bit different. Not to mention the hair on my face is pale, pale white. I can feel my neck skin changing, getting softer in a different way ..............

Ahhhh, 40 plus tax is some interesting age comin' on

Blog on!