Thursday, January 24, 2013

Smoke up my Vagina

the negative has entered into my brain.
What if nothing has happened.
So a test says positive right now.  Firstly its too soon.  Second, I still have that trigger shot in my bloodstream.  So what if i feel stuff.  I am building up to a big disappointment!!!  Big Fat False Positive!
I won't believe unless the dr tells me so.
For now, life gets out of limbo and goes on just as my oven is empty.
i will hold back and do my best not to test till next weekend .................

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Well - it is done.

Holy Cow.  It feels very weird to be sitting here and I could have a fertilized egg or eggs vying for a spot to implant in my uterine wall right this moment.
Everyone was so happy when I got to the Dr's office yesterday.  Especially the Dr.  I kept thinking, why wouldn't he be.  He gets to play with my vagina and I paid him 500bux to do so!
I laid there while he talked about Google and how people sometimes read too much.  He was glad to hear that I haven't polluted my mind as much as other women he's had in.  He skillfully inserted the speculum and positioned his bright light on my carefully, newly shaved Hoohoo.  I lay there listening to him, taking deep breaths and trying to keep relaxed.  He took the catheter and inserted it thru my cervix.  No, it did not feel at all nice.  He commented on how it went in beautifully.  Xcellent!  Lyle's guys looked good and there were lots of them.  I had asked.  Gotta know what the product is going in.  Then I lay there a few minutes, to let it 'settle' after he left staring at the ceiling.  They should really paint the ceiling or get new tiles in or something I thought.
The staff was beaming when I came out of the room.  Kim so excited for me.  She gave me my prescription for progesterone (Prometrium) that I must insert vaginally each night.  It helps keep the uterine lining stable for implantation.  Hey, I'll do whatever it takes to make my uterine lining zygote friendly!  If I am pregnant, I take it for the whole first trimester.
I came home and laid on the couch.  Legs up on the back of the couch to just give my uterus a nice level, non moving environment.  It was so odd laying there thinking, I could be fertilizing right that moment.  I have 3 shots in there.  Crazy to think about.  I was crampy for the evening.  My uterus, really making itself known.  Once I took the progestrone, the icky stopped.  So that is cool.  Feel great this morning!
So now the waiting begins.  I am supposed to test in 2 weeks.
I am so crazy aware of my body.  We'll see how it goes.  I will probably end up testing earlier.
I wish I could share all of this with my Sister.  she did this too.  But I can't.  makes me sad.
Blog On

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Insemination Anxiety

I am scared

the success rate for women over 40 isn't so great.
i have some decent odds in my favour.  There are 3 eggs.  One of them has to get it on with a sperm right?
I've been pregnant before, so I know I can get that way.
I have husband taking folic acid and omega 3's as I read that is good for strong sperm.
I made Broccoli soup yesterday in preparation for tomorrow.  After the turkey baster has defiled me, i will come home and lay here.  I will read my CAIB book and study.
Gave myself my last shot, HCG this morning at 7AM.  The "trigger" to signal my ovaries to let er' rip!  send those fat eggs down the chute!  Husband's sperm all washed and ready to meet with them.
My uterus feels heavy.  I feel ovulaty/crampy.  Stuff is happening.  I am bloated.  I am zitty.
My uterine lining was at 5.9 friday.  So it will be prime tomorrow afternoon.
I've been religious about eating my romaine every day.  Got my calcium supplements happening mid day, Omega 3's ............... to make sure my uterine lining is rich enough ......... this just has to happen!  I really hope I am one of the 2%

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Basket of Eggs


2 possibly 3!!!!  The third one is there, but hiding.  That is why its named possibly.  Kim said 3!!!  so 3 it is!
So, Sunday morning between 7 and 8 i take the HCG shot.  Then Monday, the 21st the turkey Baster makes its appearance.
OMGosh! . I am so happy and so freaked out!


Sunday, January 13, 2013


First the left gave me a tingle, then the right reminded me it was there.  Normally, when i feel my ovaries,  its only one.  But both within an hour of each other?  I sure hope thats a good sign.
Day 3 third shot in.  All is going well.
No hot flashes.  No nausea.  No bruises.  I am actually a little scared at how well i can manage a shot now.  This mornings was cold.  I had it set up in the bathroom.  The window was open and the frozen cold came in and colded up my meds.  It stung a little going in.
I promised myself i wouldnt read about success rates.  Wish i'd kept that promise to myself.  They do vary, but its still not great odds.  I wont read them anymore.
Friday is the Day i find out.  I am keeping my chin up that my basket will be full of eggs.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


it started off with a spot and i was skeptical.  Then i became light and by wednesday I was calling Kim to let her know it's Go Time!
I take my first double dose of Menopur tomorrow.

Wish me luck that my ovaries produce big healthy eggs


Friday, January 4, 2013

in the words of Shania Twain -- DAMN! I Feel Like a Woman

My breasts are swollen and sore.  My nipples are tender ..... it's been awhile since my hormones have this kind of party.  I have skillfully gained 5 pounds in the last 10 days.  I mean like BAM.  I check my wieght like clock work.  yes i am obsessed.  and there it was staring back at me.  155.  What The Hell!  I was pissed because I'd swelled up to 150 over the last couple months, now suddenly 5 lbs appears.
i am tired.  No not bitvhing that I am tired of the gain, tired in the sense that I need to sleep!  All this week, stupid tired.  Yes, it has crossed my mind to go get a prego test.  The last one I took was a mnth ago before my last period episode.  I highly doubt that any positive news would come back of it, but I may check anyhow to be sure.
Frig - this last 5 has put me 10 over last year this time and I can ow officially not fit my dress pants for work!  Squeezing into them and bursting the seams as I have been is no longer working.  Today I wear my L.A. jeans as it is Friday.  the waist band is higher and keeps me belly in place a bit better.
Although the curves aren't so horrible, the stretching of the skin sucks and itches.  The overall heaviness is not so hot either.
I am thinking its just bloatation and after this weekend of Green tea, Salad and popcorn i might shed at least enough to feel comfortable in my skin for next week.

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