Saturday, June 6, 2009

I hate my body right now!

sore boobies since my period began and ended a couple weeks ago.  Getting more tender as the days went on.  Spotting.  Now BAM!!  bleeding - AGAIN!  bleeding.  Not just a wee pinkish hue......Red!  Blood Red!  Its not a lot buts its still there and its only just began this morning.  So we'll see as the day progresses what takes place.  I am tired and bloated.  thiught it was from the allergies.  Could still be part of it - but still.  SUCK!!  

Sister had the Turkey baster Thursday.
Lets hope that one of the 2 eggs or both get got.  she is on different hormones now and tired.  Soo very tired.  Poor Sister to have to go thru this.  So we wil know in 2 weeks if I am going to be an Auntie or not!
Fingers and toes crossed!

Blog On Dudes

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