Friday, January 15, 2010


so my sister in law has jumped on the ultra sound band wagon.

her doctor, who is a "specialist" like thats supposed to mean something was texting with me the other day and told me how she is excited to go for her first ultra-sound. She knows its early. I text her back asking what they hope to achieve with an ultra-sound to vibrate it out of her? she tells me given her history of losing the last 2 they want to make sure there is actually a baby in there and that it is healthy. I asked her if they had a doppler. She had no idea what that was. So i texted back to her that it is a less invasive ultra-sound than the big one and lets you hear the baby's heartbeat. cuz seriously, this early, thats all they need to know. Thats when she tells me again she doens't know what that is and that her doctor is a specialist and doesn't mind the ultra-sound. I text back - HOW EXCITING!!!!

fast forward to today when I mail her to find out how her fetus is and how the ultra-sound went. She lets me know her scheduled ulta-sound is for next week, but funny I should ask ............. she had some spotting today lets hope she didn't use a tampon this time so she went in for an emergency ultra-sound!

What The Fuck! Seriously! if the fetus is coming out its coming out! there is nothing they can do. Ultra-sound or not. And if its just having a bad day - an ultra-sound aint gonna make the fetus any happier! I just don't understand. I went in with Charlotte with the scary spotting and the doctors and nurses sat me down and explained that they didn't want to do anything because an internal is bad when you are pregnant and an ultra-sound isn't gonna stop anything. If anything is happening. They told me it was more than likely implant bleeding and to go lay on the couch for 2 days jsut in case. I left the hospital scared, but it just made sense what the doctor had told me. So lay I did. took a couple days off work and laid there
Then of course - the next week i got my hands on some AWESOME text books my doulla/midwife girlfriend had and read them cover to cover! Then it made Even More SEnse what the Doctor had told me.
i try to pass this knowledge of what I learned on. I don't push or at least I think I don't push, but I try to enlighten pregnant women. You can't do everything, and not Everything is for everybody. Frig, I didn't do everything and I certainly don't know everything. There is too much! but i did retain some important stuff. There's a few things that are just ......... like I don't know.
for example my sister saying how bloated she is and she's retaining so much water her joints feel like they are floating. She is on her way right this moment to pick up smoky bacon chips, hot lips & candy coke bottles!!! WTF!

Finally I have a pregnant woman close by that isn't a complete Moron! I know I won't have an anxiety attack everytime she tells me something. Thank you Steph for not making me Crazy! i am excited for Flanger!!
In the end its their choices what they do with their babies and their body. I will just be excited that I will be a super aunt



steph said...

Um... Brutal. I'm sorry, that is insane! I have had one ultrasound at 20 weeks to check my due date, make sure there are no apparent birth defects and that my placenta is positioned correctly. I have not had any insane shots, I do not eat and shit, I sleep more and doubled my water intake. Sometimes the less crap you do the better!

Kristi said...

yup - thats all you need.

in the event of twins ...... in the last month lets take another peak if need be ...... however ........ your doctor - especially if they are a "specialist" should be able to deal with a surprising placenta previa without having to be totally invasive to the precious life thats growing

thank you for not being a retard Steph!