Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Sister has requested I take her to her Stress-test tomorrow

I am happy to go and also happy that this is more normal than the re-do of the Ultra-sound she is going to Thursday. Its a re-do of the ultra-sound she had yesterday, cuz the doc said the babies are measuring funny or soemthing.........
So a stress test every few days for my enormous pregnant Sister I can handle. They gotta make sure the Darrels are okay in taht cramped space for 2!

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steph said...

I hate the stress test, so hard to just lay there! Nice of you to keep her company!

Kristi said...

i never had any

steph said...

How are Tom & Mot? Stressed?

Kristi said...

no of course not - totally fine

Kristi said...

i still think one of them is a girl

the one that is in her crotch - I think that one is a girl