Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sister's Baby Update as of Today!!

Boys are FABULOUS!! Small size difference but completely normal for fraternal twins. Baby A is in vertex position not sideways and weighs about 5lb 13oz. Baby B is sideways but that's ok as he will move once A is born. He is weighing about 5lbs 5oz. Both definitely have BOY parts!! Basically everyone is doing fine

I had really thoguht she had at least one girl in there. Baby A was going to be my girl. Two boys it is! good sized twins. She is due next month - Feb. 24th. Doc's won't let her go past Feb. 10th, but I think she will have them in her arms by Sunday!
Thursday i am kinda thinkin' labor will begin.....i hope so. She really is starting to split .........


steph said...

Oprah was talking about menopause with Rosie O'Donnell today! I thought of you... Just cause you are always saying no one talks about it and there they were.... Talking about it!

Kristi said...

shit - i wonder if its on at 4?