Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So since Sister was proclaimed PREGNANT, her doctor has said that she would not allow her to go past the 10th of February.
its now the 10th. Sister called the hospital at 7 this morning like she was supposed to .......... they can't fit her in!!!!


i call -- BULLSHIT!


steph said...

Is she okay? I would be borderline suicidal by now!

Kristi Lou said...

she is not 'ok'

steph said...

Keep us posted I am worried.

Kristi said...

don't be - the doctor is full of bullshit.

I said she was from the start and I stand by it.
Missy isn't due till the 24th. The doctor never should have told her the babies would come on the 10th.
that she, the doctor, wouldn't allow her to go past 38 weeks. She NEVER should have said any of that to my Sister if she didn't plan on standing by or staying true to her word.
My Conclusion - The Doctor is a Liar.
if she said those things and meant it......then why isn't sister in there? Why aren't there enough doctors and nurses available? why isn't there room? If that were this Great doctor/specialist plan, than why aren't these things all in place? is this HER day off?


Kristi said...

so Sister has been waiting for this day for 9 months. The same as we wait for our "due dates" and then get exasperated when we go past them.
the doc should have told her from the beginning she was going full term and then pulled out the getting it out at 38 weeks, as a surprise. Becasue of her shitty bedside manor my Sister and brother in-law are suffering. Wood missing precious work that he can't afford to close his shop for. Sister getting more and more stressed and her anxiety and.........

steph said...

Did she call again today? I would be power calling them just so they get so sick of it that they let her come in!

Kristi said...

yup - she is at home and Wood went to work.

I hate taht she was Sooooo lied to by this doctor!!!

She told her from day 1 that SHE wouldn't let her go past the 10th. yet here she is ........
if she didn't intend to keep her word she never should have put it out there. If she Never had any power over the hospital she never should have said that.

Fact is Babies are "due" till the 24th. That doctor ......Dr. Kenyon I believe, such crap to mislead people

liz said...

The doctors have no control over hospital beds and space, so no that promise should not have been made to her. Alot of times Morgan can't even people who are dying into beds or is told it will be days before something is available. He has no control over it, her doctor should have known she has no control over that.

Kristi said...