Monday, October 17, 2011

Another Test

So just for shits and giggles I decided to take another pregnancy test. Of course it's a no. I wasn't surprised. A little annoyed at the loss of the 10bux though.
After seeing my doc last week about the lung stuff and trying to talk to him about the loss of my period ...... i decided I should just check. Especially since I have the other stuff going on at the end of the week. ACK!
My wieght is steadily rising. *sigh* I've been waking up so tired i don't have the energy for even the smallest of work outs. I have however, been doing some core excercises in the evenings. Not much - actually its barely anything. Better than nothing though I say!
My doc's voice keeps repeating itself in my head, "you're only 41!"
ya - I am aware of that. So where is my period. Why am i having hot flashes - non in the last couple weeks mind you - night sweats have subsided too. I actually thought I might be ovulating! my sex drive peeked out for a look last week too! WooHoo! Yet, the question is still there. Where's my period? Doc just looks at me. Stares at me really hard with a concerned look on his face. He doesn't know either. He is puzzled because I am too young for this. Too young to be in the last stages of peri-menopause. To young to actually be menopausal. What is he dealing with? this changes everything about my health and what is going on in my body ..........

Blog On Dudes


holymotherofgod said...
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holymotherofgod said...

Are you taking folic acide 1000 mcg daily? And prenatals? If you are even preparing for it you should take this. Also go on a low cal low carb diet to help your body get heatlhy. I am 8 weeks along now, those are all the things I did. (Not public information yet though...i'm due on Johns birthday which is awesome) I dropped 29 pounds Aug-Oct exercising and eating right; I think all those things I did helped me get where I needed to be pregnant. Good luck =)