Friday, September 14, 2012

Menopur and so Many Decisions

WEll here we are again, another period.  It's a good one.  Messy, everything is tender, I am so very, very tired ........ and so off I went to the ovary doctor to see what we are doing.  He wants me taking a heavier dosage and this time a different drug.  To stimulate me more.
Menopur.  That's $700 bux of expensive double dosage of drug.  YiKes!  Good thing the husbands plan covers it.  It cost me 12 dollars, the dispensing fee.  Cool.
But - this time I bought it from the pharmacy.  Wal-Mart pharmacy.  they ahd to order it in.  I picked it up last night from a very confused pharmacist.  She was trying so hard to understand how many mlls and how many shots and how to mix it ............ i need to call my ovary specialist today and go over it.  Don't want to mess this up!
however, there is something else to consider this time.  I have started a course at my work.  Training for the next step up in the company.  For the next 2 weeks, starting next week, I am in a course.  I have managed permission from my instructor for next Friday to come to class late for a specialist appointment, so that is good.  But what if this drug actually works?  What if I actually get some good healthy eggs this time?  They will want to do the "boost" the week after.......i will need to miss more of my course again.  Get more permission from the instructor, then i will need to go again to get the turkey baster!  This might be bad timing.  I mean, I want to do this and I want a good result and I am eager for the result, but not at the cost of my schooling.  Somthing that is very valuable for my future and the $$$ i will be bringing in.  The direction I am going with my career.  Especially if it all works out and I am sitting here in a year with a bundle of combined genetics of mine and my husbands.  I want to know I have a job to go back to.  More options for a job to go back to.
Do I wait for another cycle?  Another cycle that may not come.  Another cycle that may not be as good as this one?  Or maybe this one is a good one at all, i just think it is cause I feel like such shit.............
What do i do?

1 comment:

holymotherofgod said...

Wow you have so much going on. House for sale, a course, all these shots and things... how are you managing?!