Thursday, January 24, 2013

Smoke up my Vagina

the negative has entered into my brain.
What if nothing has happened.
So a test says positive right now.  Firstly its too soon.  Second, I still have that trigger shot in my bloodstream.  So what if i feel stuff.  I am building up to a big disappointment!!!  Big Fat False Positive!
I won't believe unless the dr tells me so.
For now, life gets out of limbo and goes on just as my oven is empty.
i will hold back and do my best not to test till next weekend .................


steph said...

Did you take a test and get a positive???

Kristi Lou said...

yes - I wanted to see what a positive test looks like.
HCG still in my system.

Its out now, so now i am back to seeing the test as I have for the last 5 yrs. If there is anything there it won't show till earliest Wed. I will test again. And again. And again.
After the last time I had shots, AF came within a month. So I guess if it doens't take I'll be seeing that in the first week of February
There is not enough to keep me busy right now. I i have to keep relaxed

holymotherofgod said...

So tough to do when youre anxious about the result!