Sunday, March 1, 2009


Yup.  FAbulous.  Fantastic Copulation has been had!  
you never know with my body these days what is going to happen next.
Well today I was anything but suffering from the dry peri-menopause vagina that has been plaguing me as of late.  So I was very excited to have my man come home after being on the mountain all day with the girls and not be Too Tired.  If anything, that mountain air did him a world of good.  It was nice to "Do it" and not worry about the mess.  Or get that wiff of fresh blood. YUCK!  sorry to have even mentioned it.  But when you bleed for 3 weeks straight, these things just become part of the act that you notice and try to veer from.  You make due.  besides the part where its reality.  this is what happens.  Couples suffer through this stuff and it sucks butt.
The casual K-y is fine but every time?  it really begins to get a whole lot less sexy to have him applying it AGAIN.  Especially when we both know why.  And then the other Why's that interupt my sexy thoughts and ruin the whole Damn experience.  *sigh*
Hormones -  
The dryness though, has been somehting he nor I have talked about.  I've been really wanting to, but my body......just not with my mind.  He notices.  I notice.  We don't talk about it.  What is there to say?  WE both know what it means and what is happening and if we talk about it........well then that makes it more real than I know I am wanting to admit!  I keep hoping in the back of my mind that I am wrong and just a stupid know-it-all that needs to be put in her place for being wrong this time!!  
 Sex is to say the least, uncomfortable.  I mean its still sex.  Like the old saying goes, "Sex is like Pizza .........ect."
but tonight!

its nice to Cum out on top


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