Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yikes - tired again

I'm up I'm up!

but so tired.  Passed out but still walking by 8 last night. Gross.
I'm going thru what steph did a few months ago.  Really tired and then Really cold.  Don't like it.  Hormones are having a party.  
My temp was low ysterday.  36.6 - odd.  Today still a bit low but okay at 36.7.  Horny as anything.  So I guess I might ovulate?  Hmmmm

I resided that I want the baby.  However, I want to get married too and I don't want to be a fat, pregnant bride.  Thats not my idea of great.  Even just being Fat.  Really all I want to know at this point is that we still can have children.  I feel myself giving up.  *sigh*
i mean if it all works than it will happen when its supposed to.  I rather enjoy fate.  Its the part where I don't know if we are brokenor not that is makig me crazy these days.

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