Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Insert Foot Here

I emailed my Sister-in-law today to ask how her fetus was doing. She mailed me back and said she didn't have one I must be thinking of someone else. Umm okay i thought. Maybe I really was mistaken......
my brother Texted me a couple hours later - didn't he tell me she lost that baby too?
I guess she lost it just before Thanksgiving.

Shit! i am a knob. Guess i didn't have minutes on my phone during the time he let us know so I never got the message.........


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sister Is having BOYS!!!

2 of them!


Friday, October 23, 2009

It made me Giggle

had to have an X-Ray on WEdnesday. It was a really bad leg day. Raced in to my doc's office. Cried most of the morning from pain and cried there cuz it hurt to drive......anyhow, he sent me for X-rays. Concerned of course about me being pregnant - of course I'm not, but he is worried about radiation for the eggs I have left. Now watch I'll get knocked up and have a kid with an arm coming out of its stomach. ACK!
anyhow - I had to giggle cuz I had just started my period that morning, thus knowing in concrete I really was not pregnant.
The technician asked me too if I was pregnant.
Nope. Really, really not.
He came back after taking pictures of my bones - do I have a piercing in my belly button? Yah. He's was ok with that. It showed up on the x-ray.
I guess my tampon did too!
Nope. Really NOT pregnant.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

sisters Belly

my poor Sister.
for as Much as I don'[t agree with some of the things she is doing during her pregnancy, I do feel for her. She is only 4/5 months along, but as big as she would be at 8 with a single pregnancy. Poor girl. How uncomfortable she must be.
So with all the hub-bub she created with trying to find out what the nuggets are......she still hasn't found out any fersures.
Her last months are gonna suck. i think from Christmas on, she may just be bed ridden. My poor humongous Sister.

we are still fetus deficient here. Been doing it during ovulation. He's geting a bit better about listening to me about when we are doing it and when we are not. So hopefully sooner than later we will be able to coincide all the ingredients at the same time and get it right! Especially now that he has been staying here so much more. Makes for a better controlled baby making atmosphere. Then if it happens, Great! but if not.......its not meant to be.

Blog On!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I guess I just don't Understand this

Me - when is your due date again?

Sister - Feb 24 technically but my doctor said she will only let me go to 38 weeks if I can get that Feb 10th i guess

Its your body Sister.
Your babies. Not the doctors. Maybe the doctor has vacation plans.....and I guess if you feel confidant and safe, than great. Its not my pregnancy.
if it were!
that doctor would have fired me by now!

Friday, October 2, 2009


The experience Every woman experiences during pregnancy is different. How we treat it, how we feel, the choices we make......
some of us know things others don't about the procedures our trusted doctors are putting us through.
but being pregnant is the same
If the doctor wanted you to go for an amnio would you?
for ANOTHER ultrasound?
An internal?
An X-Ray? Here take this its ok?
It's time to induce you?
Let's schedule a C-section?
Where do you draw the line? How much do you trust?

Seriously Sister. You don't need an ultasound every 3 weeks! You really, really don't! Those are sound waves bouncing off your Fetuses.
they are NOT harmless!