Friday, October 2, 2009


The experience Every woman experiences during pregnancy is different. How we treat it, how we feel, the choices we make......
some of us know things others don't about the procedures our trusted doctors are putting us through.
but being pregnant is the same
If the doctor wanted you to go for an amnio would you?
for ANOTHER ultrasound?
An internal?
An X-Ray? Here take this its ok?
It's time to induce you?
Let's schedule a C-section?
Where do you draw the line? How much do you trust?

Seriously Sister. You don't need an ultasound every 3 weeks! You really, really don't! Those are sound waves bouncing off your Fetuses.
they are NOT harmless!



steph said...

It is her first baby... She has to listen to her doctors because she doesn't see them as capable of making mistakes yet.

Kristi said...

in a time span of 2 weeks she had 3 ultra-sounds!!!


that is fucked up