Sunday, August 19, 2012

Shriveled Egg

well, at least there was an egg.
but it was no good.  Far too small for anything.
So we start again -
I am now taking Evening Primrose, vitamin E and a combo of B6/B12 added to Folic Acid to try to combat the hot flashes and the obvious lack of estrogen I appear to be suffering from.  Hopefully that helps for the next round.
I filled out all the paperwork for the claim for the  repronex - so I am hoping to be reimbursed.  So all we are losing is the cash for the ultrasounds - so it is okay.
The Ovary doc is meeting with his Genesis buddies and putting his head together with them to see what more can be done to stimulate my one good ovary.
I had set my personal limit to 2 cycles - but I have been researching deeper - I might just go 3.
So now we wait again.  I flash my way through my days ........not too bad the past couple since I changed over my supplements.

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