Wednesday, April 22, 2009


36.7 has been my temp for the last few days.  Interesting.  Its a degree lower than 36.8  I am used to seeing staring back at me.
Frig I am a irritable the last 2 days.  Holy Moly.  I mean so much in fact, I don't even like to be near myself right now.  I wake so flippin' randy its not even funny.  Of course by the evening I am so tired i fall asleep on myself!  How much does that suck.
but seriously, its the irritation thats bugging me the most.  Its almost like PMS only a little bit more and its far too early for that!  At least it sure as heck better be!
Now it almost seems like maybe I can feel an ovary bippin' and bubbling.  but I've had that feeling before.  
I just need to get outside and garden.
Gardening is good for the soul and my soul has missed it for the last 6 months.  I guess I just need to feed my addiction, get the dirt under my nails and stain my hands with mud and I bet I'll feel a world of difference in my mood.
Or perhaps, I just need to beat off more  when I'm not so tired I fall asleep on myself!

Blog On!

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