Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Menstruation/Hot Flashes/Repronex

Period on Monday.
Bring on the hot flashes Tuesday.
Today was my first shot.

1 down.
4 to go .................... next Thursday we move to level 2.

As I stared at myself in the mirror and thought about my life.  The years ahead, Charlotte growing in to a young woman.  The years that I missed because of various things.  Some brought on by other people, some brought on by myself.  I had to wonder why would I do this to her.  Having a baby is gonna mess her up at this stage of the game.  But I could hear the voice, if I don't I will regret that I didn't try.  So I'm 57 when it is the age Charlotte is now.
I need to sign her up for voice lessons this week.

2 comments: said...

Its great style to express every thing you explain your thought very beautifully in the post. I like your blog. End of the menstruation is the start of menopause. Its symptoms are hot flushes, Night sweats, and mood swings. Thanks for share

holymotherofgod said...

Did I already mention that my mom's neighbour's daughter at 43 just had a baby? If I didn't there you go. I thought about similar things but then I didn't have a Charlotte already, which you are so lucky to have. But I considered that I would be about 57 or so when she graduates, which feels good to me. I knew some parents of kids I went to school with that were around that age, so *shrug* it happens. And really its all relative to your health not your age regardless. Glad to see you are taking supplements and supporting your body with what it needs. Seeing a naturopath at all??