Thursday, September 6, 2012

Zapped Libido

Menopause sure gets rid of the sex drive.

I've been on a slow decline for the  last couple years.  I realized a few weeks ago ...... i really don't have any interest anymore.  I mean sometimes, but its nothing I can't take care of myself.  And the thing is, I don't feel like I'm missing it.
what I do miss is the feeling of wanting it.  I used to have sex nearly every night!
not with this partner, my now husband, but in the past.  I would crave it, wait for it, use it.  Now ...................... meh

Yes, I have a few different theories about this odd transformation of my sex life not all of them end in menopause.

but still .......................... Meh .....................


holymotherofgod said...

Much like post birth. Weird to suddenly have zero interest. Repulsion actually. And previously, same: daily & into it! Its coming back but ugh, now it takes effort to get there mentally and its less often. Course theres someone we have to work around...

Kristi Lou said...

i was celibet after kid was born, so I don't know. For 3 years. and those were the randiest years of my life. That was also the beginning of peri-menopause for me, so the hormones were at full tilt all the time