Monday, October 21, 2013

Hot Flashes vs Periods

A normal period lasts, give or take, a week every month.
5-7 days in a woman's life each month to remind her she's a woman.  During this time we can have cramping, and mess.  For myself, those early periods were hell.  Endometriosis is so crazy painful and your body does a few extra gross things as a special treat.  However, I use to know it would be hell and when the hell was scheduled to come.  So I learned that I had to plan for it.  Plan to be down for a day and a half. I had a cocktail of meds to take that sometimes worked, but mostly didn't.  After my first pregnancy, endo fixed itself and I didn't have the same kind of hell ever again.  Until the day I gave birth to the Queen.  Turned out, the pain I'd had as a teen was just like labor!  Neato!
Now enter in Hot Flashes.
These bitches are exactly that - BITCHES!
They are constant.  I have been flashing Every Day and Every night since August.  Its ridiculous.  Not nice warmth like they were a couple years ago.  Where you just get a rush like you've gotten embarrassed.  These flashes make me sweat under my boobs, between my shoulder blades and all around my face and neck.  I am waking up to a wet pillow.  I mean really?  Really!  this is just unpleasant.
I would take a week of bleeding.  At least you know eventually it will end.  I am not so sure about these hot flashes.
They are bitches!

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